West Coaster

By WestCoaster

Cross of Lorraine

This is the monument to Free French Naval Personnel who sailed from Greenock during WW II. Many gave their lives in the Battle of the Atlantic for the liberation of France and the success of the Allied cause

This memorial was designed and erected by the officers and men of the French Naval Base at Greenock with the help of subscriptions raised among the crews of the Free French Naval Forces. The base was established in 1941 with around 1,500 French military personnel based in the town. The pedestal is made of hard Scottish stone to symbolise resistance with the Cross cast in concrete, the cross has been painted white and can be seen from its situation on the Lyle Hill all across the Clyde estuary.

I have always found this a very thought provoking sight and wondered how the French sailor must have felt leaving the Tail o the Bank for the ravages of the Atlantic. Seen here with a dusting of snow in the hills beyond it again seemed to suit monochrome best

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