
By Picturemull

Washed Out But Happy

We were all a bit washed out by Sunday - me and R were meant to be heading to Glasgow but had to postpone as when the car went in for it's wheel tracking job some bit got mashed and the car was stuck on the garage ramp until parts arrived.  Maybe this has turned out all for the best as would have been so tired doing that drive.  Just had the call (am back blipping) to say they have got the part and the work is nearly done so will finish packing and go and try to get a Fishnish to Lochaline ferry as no slots on the Oban one (it is becoming a real problem for island residents to get on and off island due to the volume of visitor traffic combined with the social distancing rules).

Thank you for your lovely comments etc for yesterday's blip, we are both still riding high from the joyful 3 days of youth theatre festival.  I am going to struggle (even more than usual!) to keep up with your journals next week, as am heading on to Leicester after a couple of nights in Glasgow.  So I apologise in advance!  Have a good week everyone.

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