Hot tub

This chap didn't want to do very much today and wanted to spend some time in our cabin - or in the hot-tub.  Quality time with Dadda. I managed to get some masters work done, not enough, but at least it was something. 

We had planned to get stay at the cabin this evening and head home in the morning, but changed our minds last minute and decided to head home this evening - arrived back just before midnight. 

Another lovely family day, everyone feeling well rested and happy to at last spend time together. 

Today I'm grateful for: 
A lie-in - no-one woke (including the dog) until 7.45! 
Sunshine on the deck with the husband and youngest in the hot-tub, wonderfully relaxing 
The eldest revelling in the company of his cousins, I barely saw him all day, he's really grown up over the weekend. 

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