Fabulous Females

Emily arrived very early for breakfast and a quick catch up before flying back to the UK. The only word to describe her is 'fabulous'...
Much of the day has been sorting homeless clothes - what's decent, what's good to give away now, and what will be good for the colder and wetter season. We also were given 2 huge boxes and a bag of women's stuff, so I'll sort that tomorrow!
For the kids, much of the day was spent looking forward to the late afternoon when Asha had a date with Jud to go to a macramé class, and Nate had a date to hang out with Stephen. He'd requested time alone with Stephen last week, even insisting on ringing him to ask him when he could go over. And the process was important to Nate too, so Danny and I weren't even allowed into the building, S had to come down and take him up. He really wanted to feel that the entire time was just him and Stephen. So Danny and I enjoyed 2 hours in San Antonio - felt like we were on holiday! We sat and talked and wandered the little shops - lovely!
We headed back to Jud and Stephen's and all had a bbq together - Asha was full of chat and enthusiasm about the class! And Nate clearly felt all his boxes had been ticked and was also full of chat. 

Today I'm grateful for;
1) Meeting Emily - what a whirlwind of a wonderful woman.
2) Those amazing England players...and especially the dignity with which the 3 guys who missed the penalties have handled all the awful racist abuse - shocking...it makes me feel ashamed. 
3) A successful evening - everyone happy with their 'date'!

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