River of Flowers

By doffy

Tuesday: Blue Sky

Woke up just after 6 this morning, quite misty … by 8:30 the mist had cleared and I decided to hang the washing out. 
Heard MrD and another male voice - “The Aerial Man” (Doug) had arrived to move our TV ariel onto the chimney in preparation for the scaffolding which is going up on FRIDAY …!!
A hole was to be drilled through the living room wall, we had to move the corner unit out, remove all the cabling/DVD PLAYER/Wii/Sky box … mad rush but everything got done. 
MrD went for a ride on his electric bike, I put the “reduced” TV kit back together, having cleaned everything first …
Made chilli for MrD’s tea, he went off to the mainland to swim.
Ate all my meals outside, perfect :-))
Stay safe & healthy & happy everyone :-)
Nos da pawb / goodnight all xx

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