Life's Little Moments

By dbifulco

From the Buddleia Arena

A busy day at the AOG venues here in New Jersey.  The Buddleia Arena was really buzzing with more members of Team Clearwing showing up, including the team captain of Team Snowberry Clearwing.  The first member of Team Tiger Swallowtail arrived today and took a few laps around the arena before settle down for a much deserved drink at the Buddleia Bar.  You can see here that she hit a few bumps in her travel arrangements and a small part of her costume is missing.  

The chipmunks are all in training for the peanut shucking events as well as the pouch-stuffing games.  A female Monarch was in the garden leaving eggs all over the place, thus ensuring that we have a good team of athletes for the Milkweed Munching events.  Some of them are being housed in the deluxe Bifulco B & B on the deck.  A member of Team Horse Fly (HERE) showed up, causing quite a stir as this reporter realized that it was a "she" and they are known to attack intrepid reporters and bite them if they don't like what's been reported.  So, I'm going to just say that she has the most spectacular eyes EVER and is a beauty in every way.  (whew)

Other than traipsing around the garden, I didn't do much today - it's hot and humid with the "real feel" temps in the high 90's.  So, it was a good day to patrol the yard and then dip inside to cool off.  

It's 2:20 and, so far, I have not been hit with the usual afternoon wall of fatigue.  I don't want to get ahead of myself, but maybe this signals an end to what has been a very annoying run of radiation fatigue.  Fingers crossed.  My skin is still healing but no more rash or itching - just some pealing and discoloration mostly.  I'm continuing the skin care regimen that the oncologist and dermatologist recommended.  All is good.

Hoping the I can get out on the kayak tomorrow morning.  I've got an appointment with my gastro doc in the afternoon to schedule the dreaded colonoscopy. I've procrastinated long enough on that - time to get it done.

To get all the details on the Alternative Olympic Games (AOG), please CLICK HERE, and tag any pre-game interviews with  .#aog21pre

Dark with a hint of heat today.


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