
By Juleshki

Hello there...

Met this creature on my walk down the canal this afternoon.
A more indifferent horse I could not meet.

I'm guessing it's because he was bored witless standing in a muddy field in the cold with nothing to do.
He barely registered by presence.

I'd be the same probably.

I only took a short walk along the canal but I ended up with quite a few other interesting shots.

I also got invited in to a nearby neighbours house to gain a photographically better vantage point as I was on the lane taking some shots of the rooks that live in my garden. At the time I was attempting to photograph one that was sitting upon the chimney pot on his roof just as he returned home.

I don't think I've ever met this particular neighbour before.
From where I was standing the only "photographically better vantage point" could only have been an upstairs room.

The question is should I tell my husband of this gentleman's kind offer?!

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