
Sitting here waiting for D to call me in for tea - it's his turn tonight.

It's been a quiet kind of day, still resting my foot so I've read my book in the shade and done some gentle gardening.

I remember being awake at precisely 03.42 this morning, it was so still outside and then a bird began to cheep quietly. Another time we woke up to hear a tawny owl calling softly right outside the open window. Then I was having a dream where I was being swept along in a flood with some friends. I was trying to keep my camera dry!

We did have a frisson of excitement this morning when there was a chance of getting a box of Pakistani mangoes - whilst on the streets of Tooting they may be piled high just now, in Dumfries such seasonal delicacies are rarer- but by the time Joanna and I reached the shop, all the mangoes had flown off the shelves. Ah well..I have raspberries in my garden :-)

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