
By maureen6002

Little Egret

It’s my first venture out with my camera since returning from Shetland - and I must admit it feels good! The Spinnies is an easy option. Drive there - or rather let G drive - park, take the short walk through the reserve to the hide, then watch and wait. No long uphill treks carrying a heavy lens! 

Of course we’re waiting for the kingfishers - and I know they’ve been sighted very recently - but our time is limited to an hour and sadly they don’t appear. Still it’s beautiful here, and the little egrets are back - at least ten preening themselves high up in the trees. 

We sit and watch, quietly drinking in the gorgeous peace of the place. It’s good to be still. 

There’s a heron prowling the outer reaches of the water, patiently waiting for lunch, the still waters providing near perfect reflections. He heads around the corner to the next pond, his place taken by one of the egrets. 

And balancing activity in the water, there’s the elegant flight of egrets returning to their roosts, angel wings carefully held aloft, balancing delicately, before resuming their careful grooming in the trees. 

My main today is one of the little egrets coming in to land, with a collage of egret and heron activity as an extra. 

Thank you for your good wishes yesterday. - very much appreciated. The wine was good, and I’ve settled into accepting what promises to be several weeks of appointments for one thing or another ……. 

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