Day 4

It's back to rainbow crafts. Yep, its isolation good and proper, plus we've heard today that the case in her friend has now been pcr confirmed so Katie definitely isn't going to the Royal Ballet School. Certainly, missing most of it. I'm trying to find someone at the school to talk to, figure out if they will let her do the last two days of the course. We got a call today inviting us to meet up with my cousins son before we dropped Katie at White Lodge. So that's a no too.

B brought some rabbit food round and Katie had a brief chat from her bedroom window again, but it will be the last visit now as she's off away tomorrow.

We have been something of a lockdown cliche again today. As well as the rainbows, there has been the second baking activity in two days. Katie has been in pyjamas for basically three days solid. There has been zoom classes. Too much telly. Just trying to find a nice show for Theatre Friday tomorrow. 

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