Day 5

As isolation days go, there were better moments today. She seems to wake up grumpy but then dust herself off. We had the news today that the Royal have said she's going to be able to do the final two days of her course. She was mixed excited and furious. Two days, coming in four nights after everyone has been making friends and enjoying the course isn't what she signed up for. But we have talked through it over the day and she is looking forward to the opportunity. Just having to come round to the fact that it isn't what she's been preparing herself for all these months. She had a ballet lesson online but the internet packed up half way through. Her teacher called me to tell me how frustrating it was for them as she could see how excited Katie was to dance and how much energy she had. But they are going to try again on Monday. And on Friday, we might actually get to catch up in person over ice cream! 

Anyway, today I let her talk me in to having the big paddling pool out on the patio. I had held back because I was pretty sure it was going to take the entire patio. But one of the reasons I let her talk me in to it was she had her first experience of a pcr test (only to follow protocol as she came in to contact and it was recommended, she has no symptoms). She hated every second of it. Unfortunately, they drew it out by getting things a bit mixed up at several stages, plus it was very hot in the car and she got herself into a tizz. We got home and she went straight in to the pool. She had a long stint while it was half filled, floating about in her pineapple, very happily. She came in for a bit, we did some other stuff, but then after tea she went back out in the pool again since it was now pretty much full. Water really does make life a lot better for her! 

PS Her friend is out of hospital and feeling much better, thank you to those who asked. 

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