
For some reason the dog, which usually sleeps through the night, woke me just after 5am.

The sun was rising and I could not resist trying to get the sun nestled in a tendril. I could not quite succeed but still liked this shot.

Gardeners World had an item last week about cutting off tendrils and side shoots of sweet pea to produce stronger flower stems. I’m glad I have not yet followed that advice. The sweet pea this year have been prolific.

Once the photos had been taken I was awake and up. So I settled down with a coffee at the laptop to write a paper for church. By the time that was done I decided to stay up and went out to a lounger in the garden to snooze in the sun with Radio 4 on quietly in the background. It was like being abroad. Still air, warm sunshine, birds chirping. Until the workmen re-tiling our neighbour’s roof started work at 8am.

Coffee with a friend and then an afternoon in the garden to the sound of the roof workers and, in another neighbour’s garden, some decking being built. Peace descended at 4pm but sunrise seemed a very long time ago.

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