Learning day by day

By EmmaF

Computer Games

I was woken this morning at 6am by a little boy who had slept through but who was also dripping wet. Bless him he had wet the bed for only about the third time ever, but my goodness he had done a good job of it, there were wet footprints on the carpet where he had squelched from his room to ours! Just how you want to start a Sunday morning, scrubbing the carpet.

Anyway, C had a party this morning in Stevenage so I was the party bus taking her and two of her friends. It was nice to hear them chattering away in the car on the way there comparing swimming abilities and their siblings. Once we were home C had to do her maths homework and then her and W took turns on the computer and inbetween C read her book and W played numerous games of Tummyache and Snakes and Ladders with me. W astounded me when playing Snakes and Ladders by knowing the number he had thrown on the spotted die without counting, everytime.

Tired monkeys in bed earlish tonight. Rainbows tomorrow for C, she now has her t-shirt and has been loaned a hooded top so she will think she is the bees knees. Well that's tomorrow's blip sorted then.

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