Daddy and son

Well what a great time we had camping last night. The Wildlings and their cousins did so well. Harp was mischievous and kept them all awake until after 10.30 pm. Not a peep out of them through the night until harp woke everyone up before 6am. She doesn't keep a sleeping bag on so she woke up cold. She ended up going upstairs to her bedroom and sleeping past 10am. Everyone else was awake. Carson did well and woke at 5ish so Mr R went back to bed when everyone came in the house. 
They all had 3 breakfasts and then a play at the park before my sister and her kids went home. Lincoln was knackered and napped on the sofa. 

This afternoon we went to nana and grandads for a catch up. The Jedi can be a little daddy's boy at time's. 

I'm looking forward to my cheat meal tonight. ( A burger and salad ). I may also have a couple of squares of chocolate. I've had 3 bar's sitting in the cupboard for nearly 3 weeks. I do a weight in on Monday morning but I'm happy so far with the progress. Still a long way to go but a little at a time. 

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