
By soozsnapz

Second day in London - Tottenham

A lovely day, birthday cake, birthday, presents, a walk earlyish before it got too hot - it’s 31 now. And messages and phone calls with other friends around the place. The echinacea flower was very popular with the hover fly who is on the pollen. Our walk took us along the New River which was built in 1613 to supply London with fresh drinking water and isn’t really very new.  The cygnets are swimming there. The second extra is of Woodberry Wetlands which used to be a reservoir but is now a wildlife area.  There are reed warblers and reed bunting and kingfishers, as well as lots of water birds, though they were all lying low this morning.  We stopped at the cafe for cold lemonade and strawberry ice cream, and the view is from our table there 

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