
After the obligatory morning ride (see extra photo, I kind of swore I wouldn't post cycling stuff this week but that sign was just too good not to feature!) it was off up to Brae to meet up with our pal for a tour in the car of some spectacular scenery and sites....except the mist came in thick and much of the 'sights' were in fact invisible. But the roads of The Shetland Alps were certainly impressive and featured some ridiculous gradients as well as some unbarried sections that made me think of how I like a little frisson to my cycling at times - maybe one day in the future.

Ace fish and chips back in Brae and then the drive home down south to where we're staying. Toddled off down to the beach to ring my folks but, in lieu of zero phone reception, ended up fiddling around with the macro on the phone camera instead. Plenty of shoreline detritus to get stuck into.


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