
I and Meri-Kaarina made a trip to Kemiö island today. We visited the Söderlångvik manor / museum, which displays Amos Anderson’s art collection and personal history. Amos Anderson (1878-1961) was the owner of Finland's largest Swedish-language newspaper, Hufvudstadsbladet, Member of Parliament in 1922–1927 and a patron of the arts. He collected 250 works of modern art, which he left in his will to a foundation he founded, Konstsamfundet. 

The white building in the picture is Mr Andersson's carage.

We also visited a supermarket, because grocery strore in Hiittinen is very small. Our trip took almost six hours, and one hour we spent on a ferry.

In the evening we heated villa's a wood-burning sauna stove, and enjoyed relaxing löyly.

The Finnish word ´löyly´ is the name for the evaporating hot steam that rises from ´kiuas´ stoves after water has been carefully thrown on top of them. It is precisely this löyly that turns sauna space into hot and humid paradise, capable of slowly relaxing even the most tense muscles and worried minds. Often Finns discuss different saunas they have enjoyed, and the most frequent question asked is, "Was the löyly any good?" While various technical aspects of sauna affect the löyly (like the quality of kiuas, stone capacity of the kiuas, size and shape of the sauna room, quality/type of firewood, amount of water thrown etc.), it often seems that best löylys result from something that cannot quite be described.

+22,1C, cloudy

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