Happy 11th Birthday ....

......to my Niece. Shes a cracking little lady. Cool, polite, chilled, sensible. Nothing much phases her and she just always seems happy. Total contrast to my nephew who's hyper, stressy, constantly seeking attention wi5h his verbal diarrhoea and its horrible to his little sister but kind and caring towards his Grannie and Baby Matty.

Lily loves Matty and took any opportunity to chat to him and cuddle him!

She loved her Sloth I made and asked what shop it came from!!!

We had a lovely family meal when she got back from school. Its the 1st time I've been in my sisters house for well over a year!!!

It was also so good to feel a bit normal after so long and having left Bella at home with Mr W I was just able to chill, Eat, Cuddle Matty and enjoy some well needed family time.

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