Claws !
I woke up early and went out to water the garden before it began to get hot. Did a bit of kitchen cleaning then had a cup of tea before going to feed Elmo. He was very friendly having realised that I was the present provider of food. Lots of cuddles and when he'd finished eating and been played with a bit he came on my lap and lay there purring and getting his head rubbed.
All good things come to an end however and I had to go back home to finish the kitchen and have some breakfast before the groceries were delivered. Lazed the rest of the morning away then phoned my car insurance in the afternoon. I can't believe how long it took. Everyone was very nice and I was able to answer all their questions with no trouble. Just went with the flow but I was glad it was their phone bill and not mine. Looks like I can use my local body and paint shop which is what I want to do but it's going to take a few days before we get there. Not that important as the damage is cosmetic and I can drive the car. In spite of being laid back I felt quite stressed by the time we finished and began to hanker after wine. However I resisted. No wine until I lose another pound. Fed Elmo and had another play session and cuddle while trying to take one handed photos with my G12. I need to use flash in Emma's living room and he moves so fast I had lots of duds. Pleased to catch the claws though and the varied expression(see extras). He is not fierce or haughty really. He's an absolute pussycat.
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