Hayfields, Jura

Day 3: Route 7, 83km, 1290m ascent, 1450m descent

One of many hayfields we passed today. All the farmers are out in the fields at the moment cutting, turning and bailing. The weather is perfect for cycling and we had another fabulous day on the bikes. We managed the whole route without having to charge the ebikes today but it did mean quite a lot of pedaling. See extras for more scenery views. We have been really impressed with the beautiful views we have seen.

At one point we met a retired man who had bought an old army bunker (see extra) and was making it it into a museum. He was very friendly and keen to show us what he’d done so far. His big focus was showcasing how women had been involved in WW2. It was only two rooms but he’d collected a lot artifacts already.

The area we have cycled through over the last few days is the Swiss watch making area as well as a farming area so we have seen quite a few small watch businesses.

One of our party had to head home this evening so now we are three. Last day tomorrow.

Tonight we are staying at a Chambre d’Hotes which, for those who don’t know it’s like a BnB but you eat with your hosts and whoever else is staying. The evening meal was amazing and we had great conversations with the other guests as well as the hosts….all very interesting people. It ended with people playing musical instruments…fabulous. We always try to book these places but weren’t able to find one for the first two nights.

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