My - They Are Tall.

We took the monsters for a walk round the local(ish) pond this morning.
It was misty when we were on out way there but by the time we were finished it was clear and roasting.

There was no sign of the otters (no surprise there) but there were froglets aplenty, all kinds of new knowledge for them ... and better still -- wild rasps and strawberries. We stopped short of trying the mould coloured mushrooms though.

Both of them asked if they could take a picture - The Cygnet said he wanted to take a shot using the leave and branches as a frame. That took me by surprise. I had the big zoom lens so he had a bit of trouble holding it (and not helped by the fact I use 'back button' focusing) ... But he managed. When Squirrel was using it I had her rest the camera on the bridge parapet. She did okay as well.

My pictures are between The Cygnet's shot and the mouldy mushroom.

As a parting shot I had to take a shot of Squirrel next to the primulas. I have never seen one so tall - and the last couple of years these ones have only been about a foot high.

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