Puppy Power

Another hot day today.

I varnished a bit of wood, took some pictures of dead irises, bees at work and seed heads - and very much alive waterlilies and removed some algae from the pond (it grows faster than the weeds!) in the morning.

In the afternoon we went to say Happy Birthday to H and were able to catch up with some of his kids and what seemed like half a mini-bus worth of his grandkids (the other half was elsewhere).
Of course PD, Buzz and the new one Arlo (not actually one of H's pack) were also there.   Pictures over here.

On the way home we stopped off at Bags' house to arrange taking the monsters out for a walk tomorrow.
Morning was decided and Squirrel was told there would be no 11am start. That is allegedly when she surfaced today - although she says she woke at 10am and then as you have to do (according to her) talked to herself for half and hour before doing her stretching exercises.
She is some character!

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