Verging on the ridiculous ....

A dreich start .
First job was to go next door and sheet the silage pit there. Had it done by 11am so loaded up all the packs of wool from the last 2 days shearing and brought them home to put with all the others. Phoned the haulier to say it was ready to collect. He hopes to be in next week for it , weather permitting .
The contractor on cutting the road sides for the council, seemingly both their grass cutting tractors have broken down. This Fast Trac is a wee bit bigger than their wee John Deere’s .
The sun came out after lunch so I headed off to scatter another field of grass we hope to bale and wrap tomorrow .
See the next door neighbour was busy baling his field tonight. Half into wee conventional bales, the rest into the far easier round bales.
By the time I was coming home from checking cattle down the road tonight he was on the last few rows. It looked nice stuff. What a difference it makes when the weather plays ball !

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