
By Farmerboab

Blade Runner.....

A wee bit cooler today,but still a drought.
Loaded up the fertiliser spreader with fert and fodder rape seed and headed off to the field to spread it. Only problem was the speed sensor wasn't working on my tractor so no go.
Back home and after a lot of buggering about decided that they must have disconnected it when they split the tractor to renew the handbrake. So after adjusting the distance between the sensor and the wheel studs,everything started working.
So,4 loads later,had the field done. Don't even want to think about the cost of the 7.5 tons of fert and 130 kg of seed !
Hopefully will get the field rolled tomorrow and then a good soak of rain would help matters.
Still very short of grass and water in any fields with cattle in. Don't really know where I can shift them to next. Mind you,as soon as we start harvest it will no doubt p... down for a month !
Headed down the road to feed the away from home heifers then spent the evening renewing the blades on the mower ,as the last field I was in had a lot of stones in it, and they were well and truly knackered.
Roll on bed time.

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