
A great walk late morning starting right at our house  - over the tombolo and on to a circular route around St.Ninian's Isle, home to spectacular scenery from the clifftops and the ruins of a 12th century chapel as well. Five and a bit miles in total and more fresh air than you can imagine.

After a hearty fry-up brunch it was up to Lerwick to see a 25th anniversary screening of Fargo at Mareel. A great looking arts centre and, of course, the film is just terrific.

Fancied a spin out on the bike when we got back and I left my lot eating their Chinese whilst I pedalled out for an hour. I'm not sure I've ever set out quite so late before but then it doesn't get dark for quite some time up here. Might as well make the most of it.

The song in my head as I rode (for no particular reason)

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