
By TheBigCheese1

Left overs

Happy 79th birthday Mummy.

Was up finishing reports until almost 11 last night…..was not happy.  But….they have now all been sent out at last.  I wouldn’t mind so much but I talked to staff about starting to write them at Easter - gggrrr.  I then got wind that one person had said they were not going to write them at home in their own time as they didn’t see why they should!  That’s all very well, but I don’t get PPA sessions to do my bit in and am too busy unblocking toilets, calming autistic children down, doing lunch duties everyday etc to do them in my office time.  WTF (sorry).  Rant over now.

On Saturday we had MIL, FIL, Big Bro, Big Sis and Baby Mia over for a BBQ.  We had to juggle this with going to the building society to withdraw money to pay for the kids debts - obviously  we don’t have a bank anywhere near to us anymore and more obviously due to time constraints of the day…..the road was fully closed for maintenance!  So we had to do ticky tours all round the Peak District to get there and back.

Whilst Big Bro and I were doing this The Dadski was taking The Dopski over to a little village on the outskirts of Sheffield for a sleepover with her friends.  She is just getting ready to leave school and won’t be going to the same school as her friends, so we can’t really say no to all these get togethers at the moment.  

Anyway, long story short, tea tonight was left overs from the BBQ on Saturday.  You can’t beat it!  Made my day to be honest.

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