
There has to be a structure to things although I often feel “let it freewheel and see how we go”.

But to go to the start; I’m not blessed with Dumboesque ears, therefore glasses, face mask and hearing aids are a bit of a stretch for one set of ears and as I was going rowing, or so I thought, no hearing aids, they don’t float if dropped.
Having arrived early to move the gig out into the open it appeared that the message, “no rowing tonight until the gig is moved and the meeting has concluded” had translated to “no rowing tonight”, this then led to a ninety minute meeting. I have found in the past that as soon as participants sit for a meeting the meeting length then extends and so it proved.

As I said most things need a structure and so it is with the Veterans Gig Club, a role within the structure is not for me, I am over committed elsewhere, no, although willing to help when required, I’m in it for the rowing.

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