Busy busy!

Up at 5.30 am. Dog fed and walked. 7 am ferry from Barra to eriskay. Toured round the beaches for a bit walking the dog. Had brunch. More beaches, found the whale skeleton though the locals have been pinching bits for their gardens. Went to the cemetery to visit my relatives ( all three of them). First time I took stalk of their ages and the eldest was my granny by a country mile at 97! The rest died in their lat sixties or mid seventies. I have always said that all that live dangerous munitions the government dumped off the Western isles after the war and is seeping up onto their shores and seaweed which they use as fertilizer is a major cause of these untimely deaths from cancer.
Checked the house and it's shiney shiny so am staying in the van but at the house. Tomorrow guests arrive so I will be heading elsewhere. Weather still amazing.

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