Flop down!

You have no idea what Ann has made me do today?...........................

…................She made me go on a walk for almost two and a half hours. This morning when we woke up, 'Mr Sunshine' was nowhere to be seen so I just went for a little trek around the block before breakfast.

Ann said, 'Trixie, you haven't been on a big long walk for ages, and according to my weather app which often lies it's not going to hot up until about 2pm this afternoon. Let's go off on an adventure'.

Obviously Ann is a very caring, considerate, dog owner so she planned my walk so that I would have lots of water and shade, should 'Mr Sunshine' put in an unexpected appearance.

First we walked through 'Braidburn Valley Park' and I met my bestest friend in the world; 'Bertie the Beardie'. We had a little play but he was almost home cos he'd already had a big walk. …............And then I found the most fabulous tennis ball ever. Yay. Normally when I find balls; they're manky old tennis balls that Ann refuses to touch so I always have to carry them home myself. Today I found a brand new tennis ball. Yay!

I carried my brand new tennis ball for more than 2 hours?!! No wonder I had to keep having little 'flop downs'.

We went up the secret path (which is a woody area) so I was nice and cool but by the time we reached the fields, I'd already carried my newly found ball for more an hour so I kept having to flop down for a rest.

Ann said that she would carry the ball home for me. Every time she tried to take it off me; I just clenched my jaws around it and wouldn't let go. I'm a bit possessive with my balls. Having said that............................ if I've got a ball in my mouth, I don't do any of my silly 'puppy jumping up' nonsense.

The last section of our walk was through the Hermitage so that I could do more wallowing in the burn. My brand new tennis ball almost floated off down the burn a couple of times, but fortunately I was keeping an eye on it so I always managed to retrieve it.
We walked for more than two hours this morning. It was hot, though to be honest Ann doesn't think that the temperature was that hot this morning??!!  She certainly wouldn't have taken me out if she'd thought it was going to be too hot for me.

Between 2010 – 2012 Ann walked the whole 630 miles of the 'South West Coast Path' with 'MollyCollie' and some of the walks were in hot weather. And although MollyCollie was a collie and I'm a collie.................... we're completely different collies. Molly would walk and walk and walk. I get tired in hot weather.

This afternoon I got left 'home alone' while Ann went off to do a 'Meet & Greet' and then she went to Aldi. I only got a 10 min walk around the block when she got home, but I'm happy.

I am the most chillaxed little collie pup ever and I just fit in with whatever Ann wants me to do...........................

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