
Last week at work. Writing up handover notes that will most likely never be read.

No 1 had her first training walk in the Pentlands for her Silver Duke of Edinburgh Award. Weather was horrendous. Sleet/snow/rain and freezing temperatures. I'm pleased to say her new clobber kept her warm and toasty and no blisters on her feet!

She's back out again tomorrow for another session, and the weather is due to be worse!

MOT for the Weegiemobile. A few things to get sorted. Cars are SOOO expensive but a necessary evil. I should spend the money on handbags and shoes instead. They look just as good when shiny and new and don't need regular expensive maintenance...!

Here's No 3 with her first wobbly tooth. She is desperate for it to come out and she can put it under the pillow for the tooth fairy. Wonder if she takes VISA?

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