Night Lights

With it getting dark a bit earlier now, I thought I’d try and get a picture of the solar lights we installed earlier this year. There were 200 on a wire and we wrapped them all around the old sheep shearer we have on the deck. And very pretty they look too, once the light fades sufficiently to trigger them.
But trying to get a decent photo of them is a whole different ball game. At 10.30 there was still too much ambient light in the sky for them to stand out - my iPhone automatically brightens the picture, thus washing out the lights. By 11.30 that was no longer a problem, but there was a whole new issue in that there wasn’t now enough ambient light for the phone camera to get a focus lock on anything, so all the pictures were quite blurred.
Thought I’d have a final review this morning, in case there was one that could be tweaked and used. And found this one. Don’t recall taking it and have no idea what I did to get that effect! But I actually like it as a photo, and it looks far more interesting than the ones where you can actually see the lights!
It’s been a good day all round really. The return of cooler weather has coincided with my Achilles’ tendon feeling considerably less sore after a three week rest from running or walking any distance. As I had a PT session scheduled for this morning, I thought I’d run down to the gym and see if the tendon survived. It did, though it’s a bit sore now. Mind you, some of that could be down to the weight training - hit a few PBs on today’s exercises so certainly gave everything a good workout.
The afternoon has been more of the same from yesterday - varnishing the interior of the wardrobe. Half of it has had the requisite three coats and the other half will have had two coats by tonight. All being well, we should actually be able to use it next week!

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