My Mini Adventure

By JJ46

Just amazing

Today we witnessed another of our caterpillars emerge from its chrysalis as a butterfly.

I have never seen this before and it truly was incredible.

This chrysalis had fallen from the lid of the pot and so, following the instructions, we lay it on tissue in the bottom of the net.

It was such a struggle for the butterfly to get itself out. You can see, in the final photo, that part of the cocoon was stuck to the wing and abdomen of the butterfly. Looking closely at it this evening, it has managed to get free of it but sadly in the struggle it has damaged its wing, lost an antenna and maybe a leg too. It is also having problems rolling its tongue up. We’ll see if it’s able to feed/fly over the next day or so.

Another of the chrysalides also hatched today and this one is strong and healthy. But it happened while we went for a little walk this afternoon, so no photos of that one.

So we now have three... Raheem, Scott and Pooey. (Can you tell which was named by L?! He’s the one in my blip.)

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