Here there and everywhere

By digitaldaze

Growing up!

A lovely day for my 60th birthday! I did have to work, but that  was out of choice and we walked out for a glass of cava at lunchtime and then went out for a lovely dinner in Tram Tram, one of our favourite restaurants in Sarrià, on their patio.  

Bb excelled himself on the present front and when we were ready to go out for dinner, he called my up to the roof terrace, where he'd had a 'growing table' installed!  I now know he'd had a bit of bother getting me out the house long enough to allow for it to be delivered and built. This involved getting a friend to ask me out for coffee yesterday, to which I suggested another day! She had to report to Bb that the plan hadn't worked.  She then tried again and said she wanted to give me a present and I felt guilty and said yes!  Of course, the time I was out wasn't long enough (and there was a delay in the delivery) and when she texted Bb to say I was walking home, he called me and suggested I stop somewhere for something to eat. That's when I suspected something! Anyway, here it is and I love it!! 

The other main present was an idea I loved from Veronica's journal on here and I'd talked about it to Bb. It's a book shop in Bath who offer a service of posting out one book a month to you, based on your preferences and for a pre-selected period. You can either have it as a surprise and post it back if you've already read it or they email you in advance with their suggestion and you can say yes or no. You can also opt for new novels, which is what I think I'll go for, as there's less risk you've already read it.  Such a great idea!  So I'll have a new surprise book for the next 11 months. 

Anyway, here I am with my 'growing table'. Now I just need to decide what to grow. I'm thinking herbs, spring onions, little lettuces etc! 

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