
By 58jc

River walk

I did an early volunteering shift this morning which was a bit silly as I also have an early start tomorrow. As usual when I know I have to get up early, I don’t sleep well. However I was back home by 9.30 and spent the day pottering.

OH suggested a river walk where he stopped to inspect each suitable place to fish and this photo is a good spot apparently. He has started fishing again and can while away a few hours on the riverbank.

No2 rang and was full of cold - he did a test and it’s not Covid - just a summer cold. He was a bit worried about having to move flats in September - appears landlord has already advertised. He doesn’t cope with change well and it’s a big hassle that he’s not looking forward to. And knowing the angst that will come my way as his sounding board, I’m not either.

The sun came out later in the afternoon and we sat in the garden for a while before dinner, watching a little of the Olympics and then an early night. A sort of 5/10 day but that’s ok - can’t all be action packed!

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