Bachelor's Club

Today's the day . . . . . . . . to say thank you

What a wonderful response to yesterday's blip - but then, as I said - you are a very generous lot. It's not often that I get to be on Page 1 of 'Popular'!

Today has been quite a different sort of day because Will and I headed north this morning to Ayrshire.  The plan was to do a bit of family history research on our way to join Rob, Anna and the girls, who are on holiday for a week in that part of the country.  So I have spent quite a bit of the day in cemeteries - looking at gravestones.

I didn't think that would be of great interest to you?! so here is the small cottage in Tarbolton that became of huge importance in the life of Rabbie Burns when he and his brother Gilbert, started the Bachelor's Club there in the 1780s.  You can see Will's version here . . . . . . .     

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