Two Cuts
We both have needed haircuts. We have cut each other’s hair, but I am no stylist or colourist. J was on the one hand really keen to have her hair cut, both practically and psychologically. On the other hand she was frightened to go into Manchester to visit the hair salon, especially as the strong advice she has is to avoid any infection risk, of any kind (and therefore so must I).
She discussed the dilemma with M, who suggested we come in first thing today. We were the only clients in the salon, and he and D were the only others there. He is continuing with masks and the rest. He said he has had mixed reaction from the younger staff. Some couldn’t understand why they still had to wear masks (the government says they don’t have to, Covid’s gone away). Others are fine. I guess this is where the government’s confused/ambiguous messaging has left us.
My cut takes a lot less time than J’s cut and colour, so I took the opportunity to have a bit of a walk around a quiet part of the city centre. So, for a change, a bit of street photography in the main blip and extra. Office workers have still not returned, and there was a lot of litter everywhere, it all felt a bit run down. Certainly no buzz to the start of the working week. It’s going to take some effort (and money) to get things back to where they were (albeit it will still be different, the last 18 months will change a lot of things).
J was glad to get back home, it was very stressful for her. But the salon were great, and we and she did OK.
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