Day 5 (15)

I was tired today. So tired. I couldnt get up, then when I did I managed about an hour ish of work before I went to sleep. I gave her lunch and slept all afternoon. I got up to answer the door was about all. I checked in for work a few times but that was it. I made her tea and did some jobs she needed me for, but come her bedtime, I was wiped and would happily have gone to sleep on her bed

We got two parcels today. One was an AMAZING Harry Potter themed, home-constructed "Madam Pomfrey Covid care kit" and one was a bag from B, with Raspberries and dried mango to try tempt me and a yo-yo for Katie. She was delighted with it. Until she managed to smash it on her second turn.

In other news, when we are out of isolation I think she needs a dentist. She has a sharks tooth on the bottom, behind her baby tooth. Sigh 

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