Day 7 (17)

The guilt gifting. I bought the main set, with discount and using refunds etc etc. She was utterly delighted. A friend sent some money with instructions "use it however makes this time a bit better, including lego of it helps". So we did. We used some of it to buy the two sets that can be combined with the main one to make this fabulousness. It's got the Great Hall, the chamber of secrets, the polyjuice potion bathroom, the astronomy classroom, Lockhearts classroom, fluffy, the basilisk.... and Harry, Ron and Hermione in their polyjuice forms. She's absolutely delighted.

Which is good cos I was feeling naff and sorry for myself today. My head hurt, I was feeling disappointed.... A friend kindly said she thought she should drive us to take Katie to the course on Sunday. On reflection, I felt she was probably right. But in doing so, I was accepting that I would decline the invitation to drive myself from Suffolk to Wales for a few days relaxing by the sea with friends. Head knows its beyond me. Heart just wants a break and something special and to hit the pause on real life for a few days. Instead I come home and spend another week working in the house and not much else. Anyway, I pulled myself together. And later in the afternoon I got a phone call reminding me of a couple of lovely days that await us after I pick her up from her course. When I will get time to breathe.

In other news, Katie decided she was taking 100% responsibility for organising her day today. She wrote a plan of when she was doing all her practices, what she was doing in between. She self-regulated. She evaluated her day at the end and considered how she would improve it and how she'd benefited from what she'd put in place. It was quite fabulous to watch. 

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