
Ever since I was about 7 or 8 I lusted after a ( Silver Cross type) doll’s pram . My friend Isabel had a cream coloured twin doll’s pram. I loved that pram.My doll’s pram was an ordinary run of the mill model which my Dad had added a block of wood at the side to keep the handle on. Not a pretty sight! However , after many years when Mum was clearing out , the pram was put out on bin day and she always told me how sad she was to see it go!

The above pram is in a Falkirk garden and I just had to take a photo of it. First time I had seen a pram used as a flower planter.

Ps. I did get my Silver Cross Tenby pram ( navy , standard size) but not until 1981 when Fifi arrived. It was well used over six years for Ali and Andrew too. Then because of lack of space it was donated to WRVS. Of course when E , E , J and A came along I wished that we had kept it!
Extra pic.

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