
By XSworld


..is not how I would define stink bugs in general, but this example of green shield bug was not afraid to stand out on the amaranth flower and pose for a photo. I don't know if it was just so immersed in its own thoughts about who-knows-what-shieldbugs-think-about or in a bliss enjoying the fine nectar and sap of the amaranth flower, to give thoughts to its own safety. I've already mentioned how this insect produces bad smell as a defense mechanism and is therefore not welcome in the houses (or on drying laundry!) but what is worse is that it is no good news for agriculture either. They are a real pest for those who grow tomatoes in big quantities as they feed upon the fruit and cause discoloration upon ripening, development of corky area below the surface, and association with yeast infection of the fruit and they can also inject their stinky substance into the fruit to change its taste! Luckily researchers are studying the use of natural predators of stink bugs as an ecological alternative to more aggressive methods of their removal!

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