
By XSworld

The speach..

I came across a spot in the field where, on a tall alfalfa plant, there where hundreds of blister beetles holding their annual meeting before heading off each to their own secret destination. It took me some time to tune into their language, but I heard this fellow say "Dear brothers and sisters, I urge you to stay safe, your aposematic colour should keep predators away, if not, and you are to be attcked by one, be sure to secret your precious beetlejuice which contains cantharidin and is toxic for them. It may not teach them anything for they will die, but hopefully it will warn others to leave us alone. Also, stay away from the two-legged-tall-animals, you are not toxic to them and they will not eat you, but upon contact you can cause blisters on their skin and if you are unlucky they are out there looking just for you to collect your precious beetlejuice to use as wart treatment! I also want to warn you that if you hear the loud humming noise of a four-wheeled field monster the take to your wings and fly away as fast as you can, for no matter how juicy the alfalfa you are eating is, if they are cutting the grass they may crush you to death, and the presence of your dead body will turn the hay into a poisonus meal for cattle and horses.." at that point in the speach the chap noticed my lense pointed at him, pooped a tiny blue excreta (extra) and flew off.

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