Pause for thought...

Today is my 400th blip, but as it's not a recognised 'blipday', I didn't bother doing anything special. After I'd reached my full year, I didn't know if I'd carry on blipping every day, but here I am at day 400, still with no gaps!

I had to come into town early this morning and had time to kill before I started work, so I had a wander around with my camera looking for inspiration. Unfortunately after yesterday's beautiful spring like day, it's back to being grey and cold, but I managed to get some shots around town, and the birds in the park, before I noticed this lady sat on her own. I took a couple of photos of her as she was totally unaware that I was there (the advantage of a good zoom!). I took the same shot in colour, but preferred it in mono, as it really depicts the grey day!

Anyway, my lunch break is over, so it's time to get back to work - have a good afternoon.

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