Blue Hamish

By BlueHamish

Time to say ....

goodbye to this watch.

This 365 project has reignited my love of photography and I am finding myself somewhat dissatisfied with my current DSLRs. Not so much the cameras themselves, but the limited choice of lenses for both.

So, to allow myself an upgrade, I have opted to sell one of the DSLRs (the Olympus E420) and this rather lovely Junghens Max Bill watch. The money raised should enable me to buy a Canon EOS 50D (courtesy of my brother who has upgraded to a 7D) and a decent lens. Not sure whether to go for a 50mm f1.4 (my budget) or accept a lower build quality f1.8 and use the money saved to buy a half decent zoom.

I will do a bit more research before commiting myself, but with the weekend approaching (yes I know its only Tuesday, but I'm a glass half full man), I would like camera and lens to be in my posession so that I can play :-)

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