
By kettwigefrau


Logan is not the bravest of dogs, he's a lover not a fighter but I think he got a little more than he bargained for this morning.

We were accompanying Jas on her way to school before heading down to the river when we happened across a cat.

Logan likes cats.

He likes the way they smell, the way they tease, the challenging way they hiss and spit and don't usually run off...

He's never caught one (probably because 1. he's usually on a lead when we meet one & 2. they're a lot speedier & skinnier than he is.)

This feisty, one eyed, ginger feline is clearly used to defending its territory & as Logan and I stood watching it came ever closer making a weird noise (that I would guess translates as "bugger off fatty") until finally it was close enough to try to attack Logan.

It was a little, skinny cat and it had Logan on the run, good job he was on the lead or he'd have been off up the hill homewards with his tail between his legs, I have never seen him so shamefaced, poor puppy.

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