Get Better Icecream

Mummy, why do you love me?

Because you're beautiful, because you're lovely,
because you're kind, because you make me smile,
because I'm you're mummy, because you're my girl

Katie-Mummy original dialogue

3years 149days

Late last night Katie took a bit of a downturn. Her temp spiked high, she was unsettled til rather late. But when she settled, it was for the long haul. The temperature is all that is wrong with her. She had a very vocal dream about 6am before waking quite disorientated. When she came round from it, she was much happier than yesterday. Quite bright really. She asked to go see her friends at nursery, so dosed up on calpol off she went.

I got a call at 3.45 that her temp had gone up to 40 degrees. When I got there they'd stripped her down, put a cold cloth on her forehead and given her calpol. I'd taken an ice lolly with me for her. Between that and the calpol and flannel, by the time I put her in the meitai she was much brighter. They said she was absolutely fine until midafternoon. Presumably when the first calpol had worn off. They've said she's fine to come back tomorrow too, just suggested that I sign her calpol in and they'll give her it before her temperature spikes again.

She's twirling around the living room as I type. It's quite surreal really.

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