Wilson carefully withdrew the small creature from its carrying box and placed it on the table.
'Hello, little guy!' he said, 'I shall call you McCartney…'
'You can try, Buster, but my name is Passing Clouds!' the compact cephalopod replied.
Wilson was somewhat taken aback, but continued, 'Your job here, McCar… oh, Passing Clouds, will be to change our tv channels using this 'Remote Control' – it may seem confusing and unfamiliar to you at first, but what with having eight legs and multiple brains, I'm certain you'll soon get the hang of it!'
'Thanks' Passing Clouds replied – deftly grasping the remote in her tentacles and immediately switching the tv to the Ocean Life channel!
I thought I noticed Diesel looking a bit unsettled – I expect he's fully aware that the octopus is a natural predator of fish, so I'll suggest to Wilson that he keep them apart… at least until they get to know each other!
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