
By Beewriter

Sea Swim

Victoria picked me up at 8:30am and we headed off to Colwyn Bay for a sea swim. I did a couple of laps of the course which is a mile at least. It was very choppy and it was hard work, but it was good fun. Some people got stung by jellyfish but I was lucky and didn’t even see any, thank goodness.

It started to rain when we were getting dressed and by the time Victoria, Jackie, Cath and I went in search of fish n chips it was torrential. We managed to get a seat in a shelter facing the sea where we could eat. The rain stopped and so we went for an ice cream….we felt we deserved it after our swim. Then the sun came out.

I then persuaded the girls to go to Llandudno to go on the toboggan ride. We queued for tickets but they said it was a two hour wait. We weren’t going to stand in a queue for that long!! We’ve decided to go another day.

Victoria and I had a mooch along the pier and sat in the glorious sunshine before heading home. It was a grand day out.

Thank you for the lovely comments yesterday. I also found my secret husband ha ha ha

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