These are the days...

By ashcroftkiddos

Evening entertainment!

The other day, all it took was a thatcher and a bunch of dead grass to entertain the kiddos. Tonight, bouncing off Dad's belly and Dad's tooshie was the highlight! This picture, taken before bouncing off Dad began, was all Mia's idea. She just decided she'd like to jump right over Tyler. and that she did. She's practicing her athletic abilities! They also did some sit ups tonight which was pretty entertaining.

Today was absolutely beautiful. We played outside, had snack outside, ate lunch outside, took bath inside, napped inside, played outside, ate dinner inside, ate dessert outside.. It was just an outside kind of day. Tomorrow is supposed to be even warmer. It's hard to believe that spring is upon us so quickly. To be fair, I do think we're supposed to be back in the 50's for a few days in the near future, but every 70+ day we get is one to celebrate!

Today was also a busy evening of sorting out my junk drawer. I have a few hot spots in my house where I stuff things when I don't want to take the time to put them away or if I really don't know where to put them.. I'm supposed to sort these hot spots out once a week, but I think we are going on 4 months. Boy, was it fun to find all of my long lost treasures. I still don't know where to put half the junk, but at least I got a reminder that it exists.

off to bed for me. night all!

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