The Big Smoke

We caught the speedy (rolling) Pendolino at 09:49 this morning. First class I’ll have you know, the first time ever, we’ll why not.
Refreshments consisted of tea, coffee, wine, soft drinks, a chicken wrap, vegetable Biryani and cheese and biscuits.

It was only a short hop on the tube to Tottenham Court Road followed by a short walk to our hotel in Covent Garden.

There were plenty of restaurants to choose from and with Tom’s vegan option to consider we settled on “La Ballerina” a small family run Italian. Next door to the Royal Opera House.

Bill Bailey isn’t someone I’d normally choose to see. However, he was on at the Royal Opera house (no Ballet or Opera at the moment) off we went. Our seats were up in the dizzy heights of the theatre but Bills show took my mind off my concerns. He started with a hilarious sketch about Boris and went onto play an array of musical instruments. A very clever and funny man - we both really enjoy the show.

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