
By WhiskyFoxtrot


What a day. The wind had howled all night and my only ambition for the day was to spend it under the duvet. I felt perfectly well but saw no reason to leave the house. Sadly, this ambition was not fulfilled.

Work was alright, actually. A little after lunch we were treated to a rather unusual event. The Janis Claxton Dance came to perform part of Chaos and Contingency, including four dancers from China. It's meant to be viewed from above and I was transfixed. When the half hour was up I thought it had only been a handful of minutes. If you're in Edinburgh this weekend you can see their show for free at the National Museum of Scotland. The more I see of contemporary dance, the more I want to see.

Then it was out in the wind and the rain again. I took other photos today including some more rainography but it's feeling a little samey.

Tomorrow, however, is another day...

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